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Please enjoy a simple podcast breaking down the complicated world of personal development, NLP and hypnosis into the simple


Apr 29, 2018

More special words - CTBW

a five minute podcast

Four words that may just change your problems or issues A throw away line from a really nice guy, Ed Latimer, speaking on the Jordon Harbinger show (a podcast) and four little words that lit up my mind from what's the worst that can happen and flying off into the future...

Apr 26, 2018

Here are your two NLP/coaching tracks to get both distance and flip that fear/anxiety/worry on it's head.

Please enjoy the simplicity and the empowering results. I think you will love them and will use them again and again for different contexts and issues.

Shine Brightly


Apr 25, 2018


Let's get rid of fear - Easily


A personal development Unplugged podcast

Yep Let's dive into fear/anxiety/worry and find a couple of easy - I really do mean easy - ways you can use right now to reduce that negative feeling and get to see a way forward.

That seems a BIG claim but it isn't if you are prepared to...

Apr 22, 2018


Here's the 'HOW TO' to get your dreams


A five minute podcast

Inspired by my middle son's, Luke,brilliant video that suddenly appeared on Facebook and reminded me of how we don't need to know the 'HOW' before we embark in succeeding in getting our dreams to come into fruition- The how, the process, the way we're...

Apr 18, 2018


Let's get ready - to succeed - a 5 minute podcast

If you're like me we can kid ourselves into thinking we have taken time out for deep thinking or attending to an issue when really we have only given it lip service and white washed over it. I know I do this because as I was writing in my journal this morning I...