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Please enjoy a simple podcast breaking down the complicated world of personal development, NLP and hypnosis into the simple


Jun 30, 2018

Act like a BLANK

A five minute podcast

Here's a little, if not a BiG, bit of encouragement to get your goals, dreams and any outcome. Remember 'fake it until you make it'? and what's implied in that title? well here's a way to be it and make it! This is not about acting and not being yourself but being yourself as you...

Jun 27, 2018

It's all about Ooodles! in a podcast

Knowing you know more than you know - because you do and when you look back at things you know you will find even more things you didn't know. Doe that make sense? - probably not so to make sense you really do have to listen - it is a podcast you know  ;o)

Let me make it just a...

Jun 23, 2018

The what's in the detail - a five minute podcast Let's get rid of overwhelm Overwhelm of all those details and also overwhelm of the BIG picture We've all heard to saying 'the devil's in the detail' but is it or is it an angel in disguise? Let me share a recent bout of overwhelm and how by mixing the big picture and...

Jun 20, 2018

HELP ME - I'm coming out A five minute quickie podcast Let's 'come out' & 'Man UP!' 'Woman UP!' What's that mean?

Let me share with you an example of someone who Came Out in a courageous way to encourage others to get help by telling of his personal mental health battles - (and you know I hate with a vengeance that...

Jun 16, 2018

What you've learnt is out of date - Really!

A podcast of the longer variety ish

Just because you learnt something a little while ago or even a long time ago is it out of date? I've heard by a couple of people of late and people I think that should know better - say that it is.

Evolution of the human brain has taken a...