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Please enjoy a simple podcast breaking down the complicated world of personal development, NLP and hypnosis into the simple


May 29, 2024

If You're Struggling or Lost

I was reminded of something so important if you're struggling or feeling lost by my middle son Luke. I caught him on  a reel in Instagram sharing this message

It won't last, this feeling will not last, just as those of the past didn't last. You will find a way you just need to reminded that...

May 25, 2024

Feel Good and Getting Better

it me or do we all want everything NOW! Instantaneously or even quicker.I think we've fallen into the trap that instant gratification is the thing. But if we get that then we want the next thing and the next thing and I feel we miss out.

Why do we want everything instantaneously?

It got me...

May 22, 2024

My Reminder To You

I don't know if it's just me but I need reminding to use what I know or at least I think I do.

Over the years I, and you, have learned a lot and on the most part I think we use that learning unconsciously but every now and then I get a reminder from a podcast, a video, a book or what someone might say...

May 18, 2024

Reviewing The Past To Move Forward

Now, I know what you're thinking – why dwell on the past? Isn't personal development all about the future? Well, yes and no. Here's the thing: understanding our past is like having a map. It shows us where we've been, helps us see the patterns in our journey, and guides us toward...

May 15, 2024

Just One More

Equals Success

Tony Robbins once asked "of the set of 10 press ups which one is the most beneficial?" the answer "The 11th" :O)

To be the best version of ourselves we know we need to stretch ourselves every day but, and I don't like buts, too much leads to overwhelm and giving up that's why 'JUST ONE...