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Please enjoy a simple podcast breaking down the complicated world of personal development, NLP and hypnosis into the simple


Mar 29, 2023

Is Anxiety Just A Pattern?

Or is it..........?

I heard the other day that anxiety is just a pattern of behavior and I think that does a little injustice to your anxiety.

Your anxiety is doing something positive for you even if it doesn't feel nice. Change the behavior and keep the intention and BOOM! you will find that...

Mar 27, 2023

Here Is the Hypnosis Process from #330 Creating A New Positive Mind Set

Just uploaded to the downloadable section of my FREE HYPNOSIS section at

Please enjoy with my best wishes and create the future you deserve


I’m a therapist but not your therapist

The information with this website or online...

Mar 25, 2023

An Un-Chartered Dive Into Listening - To You

Neither you nor I know where this will go

I've been thinking and talking about how we communicate with our unconscious mind, or you might say that inner voice that seems to go so quiet when we want answers from within.

It's that intuition, the epiphany, the idea that feels so...

Mar 22, 2023

How Do You Listen To Your Unconscious Mind?

A 5-minute Quickie episode to get us thinking and maybe to sow the seed of better internal communication, thoughts, ideas, and inspiration.

We all have different ways to listen inside, for some, it may be meditation, others journaling, and even our hobbies, interests,...

Mar 18, 2023

Creating A New Positive Mind Set

And Achieve What You Set Out To Do

Before we start I want to tell you there is a process within this episode and if you choose to follow it please ensure nothing needs your attention (see the note below)

Having got that out of the way, how would you like to have a more positive outlook,...